Waking Up by RiaMaria (Incomplete)
This was recommended by A Cullen Wannabe. I always love to read AU of the original Twilight story. Edward wakes up in Bella's bedroom as a human. Rated M. I have read through Chapter 11.
My Cowardly Lion by Laughablelamb (Incomplete)
This was recommended by SunKing. It is for anyone tired of the reading about a self assured, confident Edward. Rated M. I have read through Chapter 1.
Passing Notes by Arbitrarygirl (Complete)
This was recommended by my good friend, fourpeanuts. A sweet, lighthearted romance. Rated T. I have read through Chapter 2.
Emancipation Proclamation by kharizzmatik (Incomplete)
This was recommended (among other places) by Pears13. This story is epic in length and has more than it's fair share of angst. Rated M. I am unsure where I left off in this story, The angst got too heavy for me and I had to step away for a while. I will resume at some point.
The Cannabean Betrothal by ItzMegan73 (Incomplete)
This was recommended by A Cullen Wannabe. Not sure what it is about but very popular and written by the same author as "A Rough Start". Rated M. I have read through Chapter 1.
12.21.12 by Dani Navy (Incomplete)
This was recommended by A Cullen Wannabe. Another Vampire AU story. Bella is a hybrid vampire found and brought in by the Cullens. Rated T. I have read through Chapter 1.